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Working Together to Reduce Risk in Our Community

Our Approach

The HUB is a risk-based outreach model which draws upon a list of various factors to evaluate individuals or families as being at-elevated-risk for adverse social and health outcomes. Bi-weekly 90-minute virtual meetings are held to create a structured assessment and coordinated strategic outreach effort. 

Support Group
Beach Walk
High Fives


An island-wide consortium of health and human service providers who share information and establish rapid interventions designed to mitigate risks associated with marginalized  individuals and to address their clinical, medical, behavioral and social needs. 


  • Develop community partnerships for multi-disciplinary, strategic problem-solving. 

  • Create a way to reach individuals or families at-elevated-risk upstream before an overdose or other behavioral health crisis occurs and a 911 call is ever made.

  • Reduce the growing strain of behavioral health-related emergencies on law enforcement.

  • Help individuals and families connect to the services and treatment they need and build relationships and trust between HUB partners and the communities they serve. 

  • Increase access to social determinants of health services for HUB participants.


Working within the confines of several privacy regulation frameworks, the HUB Model’s Four-Filter Process allows collaborators to mitigate risk while upholding several key principles of information-sharing within the context of community safety and wellbeing.​

  • Increased and quicker access to services.

  • Improved communication among agencies.

  • Reduced barriers to support from human service agencies.

  • Identified gaps and increased efficiencies in human service delivery.

  • Improved client-service provider relations.

  • Better understanding of the risk factors affecting HUB subjects.

Reach Out

Ocean Rocks

Brian Morris
508 964 0940

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